My Floor Is Squishy
If your floor feels squishy or spongy when you walk on it, it could be a sign of a serious problem with your flooring or subflooring. We get it, this is never a fun feeling when you walk on a floor. Addressing this problem rapidly is one of the best ways to avoid it from becoming a larger issue for your home and your wallet. Here are some common reasons why your floor might feel squishy:
Water Damage: Water damage is one of the most common reasons for a squishy floor. If water has seeped into the subflooring, it can cause the wood to become soft and spongy, which can make the floor feel squishy or unstable. Water damage can be caused by leaks from pipes, appliances, or even from heavy rainfall or flooding.
Subflooring Problems: A damaged or weak subfloor can also cause your floor to feel squishy. If the subfloor is not properly installed or has been damaged by pests or moisture, it can cause the floor above it to feel unstable and squishy.
Poor Flooring Installation: If your floor was not installed properly, it can lead to problems with stability and structure. For example, if the underlayment or padding was not installed correctly, it can cause the floor to feel squishy or unstable.
Floor Covering Issues: The type of floor covering you have can also affect how your floor feels when you walk on it. For example, if you have carpeting that is worn out or has a thick pad underneath, it can make the floor feel spongy or unstable.
If you suspect that your floor is squishy, it is important to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent further damage and potential safety hazards. Talking to the team at Exclusively Floors and Cabinets and having one of our professional craftsmen evaluate your floor can help identify the issues early on and prevent larger issues from occurring down the road. Although we understand the gut dropping feeling of a squishy floor and the fear of potential costs, that it causes. Addressing it early on can help prevent a little issue from turning into a larger one.
Be sure to reach out to our team and schedule an in-home visit today.
- The Team at Exclusively Floors and Cabinets